Monday, May 2, 2011

Resto Shaman 4.1

So, Spirit link is the shit. Other than that, we don't really have anything this patch.


  • Cleansing Waters now has a 6-second internal cooldown.
  • Deep Healing now benefits all heals, not just direct heals.
  • Earth Shield healing done by Restoration shaman has been reduced by 20%.
  • Nature's Blessing has been improved to 6/12/18% bonus direct healing on Earth Shielded targets, up from 5/10/15%.
  • Spirit Link Totem (new talent) reduces damage taken by all party and raid members within 10 yards by 10%. This lasts 6 seconds, and every second it is active the health of all affected players is redistributed among them, such that each player ends up with the same percentage of their maximum health. This counts as an Air totem and has a 3-minute cooldown.

Cleansing Waters was nerfed hardcore because of pvp. I have taken the points out completely and really haven't had any mana issues with cleanse or keeping people alive while cleansing.

MASTERY IS THE SHIT NOW. So many times I've had ohshi- moments in zg (za is fine) where I really think the tank is going to die, but somehow, I get a riptide>unleash>gheal off and the tank is at almost full hp. I'M LIKE WHAT?!

Earth Shield nerf sucks.
But I guess is made up from the *tiiiiiny ass* buff to Nature's Blessing.

Spirit Link is awesome. It basically does dmg to people with high hp to give to low hp and even everyone out. Good if a few people are really low and a lot are high. *Pretty sure the dmg can be resisted*

Only sucky thing about this is you have to use a talent point for it. So, even if you still want CW, you can take from somewhere else. I took the 2 out of CW and put into Ancestral Resolve, and took one from Acuity to get Spirit Link.