Monday, January 24, 2011

Healing Maloriak

Maloriak. hmm. This guy is cool. Got to do my first attempt on him last night, much better fight then Omnitron. Extreme warning: if you ever get any kind of tunnel vision, this guy will wreck you. PAY ATTENTION to his vial changes. Red = stack, Blue = spread out, Green = dps nuke adds (don't stand right next to him when he changes to green phase though, you'll go flying)

All Phases:
Arcane Storm: Big aoe dmg, dps should be interrupting this. Not worth using Healing Rain, as most will be spread out, bounce a couple Chain Heals and they should be fine.

Remedy: Anyone that can remove magic needs to asap. This is a buff to Maloriak that heals him for about 25k and lasts for 10 sec. If you see it, (green vial buff) purge asap.

Red Vial:
Everyone but the add tank will stack near the cauldron for this phase. Perfect time for Healing Rain, however, don't cast it too soon, huge mana drain if everyone is full and the duration ends before anyone takes dmg from his cone. The  fire cone (500k dmg divided) is almost always directly after summoning more adds, so when you see that cast, cast Healing Rain. Lots of aoe heals need to go out at that point. 

Every so often, one person will get a fire debuff, dealing 9k dmg a sec and any additional magic damage taken by the target increases the damage dealt by this effect by 50% of the damage taken. Basically, they need to move out of the cone til thats gone. Don't get tunnel vision.

Blue Vial:
Maloriak will target a random player and cast Biting Chill. And we thought Cata was all about fire. Biting Chill surrounds the target with a ring that does aoe dmg to nearby players within 8 yards, and does 5k dmg to the target every sec for 10 secs. If melee get this they need to move out of range of other melee until the debuff is gone. Don't get tunnel vision. They will need to be healed through this, so riptides are good.

Flash Freeze is extremely touchy. This is another random target spell that will do 70k to 80k dmg on hit, and will encase them in a block of ice. It will also encase anyone within 10 yards in a block as well. This is why you need to spread out for the blue vial. 

Dps need to make sure that the people in the case are healed up to at least ~70%. Breaking the ice causes another 56k to 64k dmg. When one ice block is broken, any other blocks that may have happened will also break, dealing dmg to them as well. Don't get tunnel vision.

Green Vial:
This phase is pretty much an add burn phase, green slime will spew from the cauldron, and will make everyone, adds and Maloriak included, take 100% more dmg. Kill the adds asap, as it only lasts 15 secs and getting some face time on the boss with that debuff is super helpful. Plus, he will summon more adds after that phase, so you don't want any up. Heals need to pay special attention to the tanks, they are usually the only one taking dmg in that phase, and its increased by 100%.

25% HP:
Bloodlust. Don't be stacked if coming from a red vial. He has a soft enrage and will release any remaining adds which hopefully are just the two prime subjects. He will cast fire jets and leave a wake of fire that does about 25k dmg. Don't get tunnel vision. He will also summon an ice sphere near a random target, if it comes within 6 yards of them, it will explode and do about 50k dmg to everyone within 6 yards of it and knock them back. Don't get tun-you get the idea. He also does an acid nova that does 7.5k dmg a sec for 10 secs raid wide. 

Basically, this is a big fuck you to healers. Tons of raid dmg, people are all over the place, and by the time you get to that phase your scraping every last ounce of mana you can get your hands on, all while trying not to have tunnel vision yourself. >.<
Try to drop Mana tide totem at about 30%, you want to have healing stream up for this phase (for the heals and fire/frost/nature resist), and 17 secs without it can really hurt.
Unfortunately, we were not able to get him down before raid time ended (even went 15 mins over end time.) But did get him to 8% on our best attempt! Another try tonight and we should have him.

update: got him :)

Good luck and Happy Raiding! -Aktol

Thursday, January 13, 2011

4.0.6 changes!

Sorry I haven't updated in a bit, yey blizzards and spending time snowed in with family!

Ok, some awesome new stuff for resto, some not so awesome new stuff for resto.

  • Tremor Totem now has a 1 min cooldown, 6 sec duration, removes Fear, Charm, and Sleep effects from party and raid members within 10 yards, and can be dropped even while the caster is afflicted with such effects.
  • Mana Tide Totem now gives Party members within 23 yards of the totem 400% of the caster's spirit (excluding short-duration Spirit bonuses).
  • Greater Healing Wave now costs 33% of base mana, up from 30%. Base healing value increased by 20%, from 7473 - 8538 to 8968 - 10245.
  • Cleansing Waters now has a 0.5 sec cooldown.
  • Deep Healing now Increases the potency of your direct healing spells by up to 24% (up from 20%), based on the current health level of your target (lower health targets are healed for more). Each point of Mastery increases direct heals by up to an additional 3%. (up from 2.5%)

tremor :(

Also, even though its not just for resto shamans, Alchemy (as my profession) will have new agi, str, and int trinkets!
The enchanting off-hand has been reduced to 40 int from 100 int. I'll have to do more research as this might make staffs more viable to shaman with that nerf.

I'll update more when I'm able to get online later on today.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Healing Magmaw

This was super easy once we all knew what to do. Heals have the ENTIRE time he is impaled to regen mana, and can even beat on the boss while hes impaled. No need for healing at this time, totems, low mana cost hots etc will heal up everyone. I would not use mana regen items during this time, and there is no need to directly heal anyone unless they are extremely low on hp. Use your mana regen items for while you are healing, so they aren't wasted. The first time I tried to heal everyone to full and was oom by the time he came out of impale, when I actually stopped healing people during this time, and let my totem heal them up and splash hots, everyone was almost near full hp, and I was at full mana.

Yes it is still a heal intensive fight, but managing your regen cds opposite his impale, you should never go oom on this fight. The time we killed him he was in an impale and I didn't think he'd come out of it before he died, so I threw out a couple LB's. If you think you can spare some mana, pew pew. (everyone knows I do not want to dps as a healer, but when I know I'm not going to need the mana, I'll pew pew.)

We were able to get him down after about an hour of actual face time on him, then moving over to omni to get roflstomped for about another hour.

This is how cata healing is going to be. Do not worry about keeping everyone topped off. DO worry about overhealing. A lot of healers think that tank hp got nerfed but its more a case of dps/heal hp got buffed. Use mana regen cd's wisely. If someone is at 80% hp, and they have a hot on them, they should be fine. 

Happy Raiding! -Aktol

Welcome to Resto Jesus!

I figured with the new expansion, now was about as good a time as any to finally make the blog I've wanted to for a while. While I am uncertain of where this blog will go, I'm gonna do it anyway :P

Also, will probably do some ranting here as well about shit. I won't hold my tongue back as the internet is not a place I wish to restrict my speech. If that offends you, sorry :D