Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Healing Magmaw

This was super easy once we all knew what to do. Heals have the ENTIRE time he is impaled to regen mana, and can even beat on the boss while hes impaled. No need for healing at this time, totems, low mana cost hots etc will heal up everyone. I would not use mana regen items during this time, and there is no need to directly heal anyone unless they are extremely low on hp. Use your mana regen items for while you are healing, so they aren't wasted. The first time I tried to heal everyone to full and was oom by the time he came out of impale, when I actually stopped healing people during this time, and let my totem heal them up and splash hots, everyone was almost near full hp, and I was at full mana.

Yes it is still a heal intensive fight, but managing your regen cds opposite his impale, you should never go oom on this fight. The time we killed him he was in an impale and I didn't think he'd come out of it before he died, so I threw out a couple LB's. If you think you can spare some mana, pew pew. (everyone knows I do not want to dps as a healer, but when I know I'm not going to need the mana, I'll pew pew.)

We were able to get him down after about an hour of actual face time on him, then moving over to omni to get roflstomped for about another hour.

This is how cata healing is going to be. Do not worry about keeping everyone topped off. DO worry about overhealing. A lot of healers think that tank hp got nerfed but its more a case of dps/heal hp got buffed. Use mana regen cd's wisely. If someone is at 80% hp, and they have a hot on them, they should be fine. 

Happy Raiding! -Aktol

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