

Not going to point out the obvious, but I do want to cover a few things on this spec. *This is a spec that I decided on for what I feel is best for me.*

  • Totemic Focus. Not only does it make your totems last for about 7 mins, which can save you ~6k mana in long fights due to not having to redrop them, but it also effects you mana tide totem, increasing the duration of 350% spirit to 17 secs.
  • Cleansing Waters. Its like a mini riptide. For free. Nuff said.
  • Telluric Currents. I didn't take this talent atm due to the fact that I am not super geared, so most of the time I am too busy keeping everyone alive to worry about shooting lightning bolts at mobs. May pick up later when people are less squishy. It does seem like it would be worthwhile to get, I'll have to redo the math on it to get exact numbers, but if you have the time to LB, it will regen a significant amount of mana back, only problem is hit. =/
  • Ancestral Swiftness. 15% to movement speed and insta wolf? This means I can put something like haste on my boots instead. Must have.
  • Acuity. I have been taking from crit to add to haste so this 3% bonus is nice at making up for some of it.

  • As a general rule of mine, I match all my sockets. Unless its something really shitty, like +10 crit.
  • I reforge crit and mastery to haste/spirit.
  • Every healers best stat is int, followed usually by spirit. In order of importance, I look for the following:      
  • Int > Spirit > Haste > Crit > Mastery
  • *update* I now go Int > Spirit > Haste til 916 then Crit up the yang > Mastery. I believe once 4.1 hits mastery will be better, affecting all heals not just direct, so it might be right even with crit, but I wont know til then.
The reason I don't go for mastery is after reading up on some of the math on elitist jerks, mastery only seems to be good when a target is below 30% hp. While this does happen, the haste and crit still outweigh it.