How to: You can't just chain heal anymore.

List of Healing Spells
  • Healing Wave - This is your efficient go to spam heal. Low mana, moderate heal, and with the glyph you heal yourself also for 20%.
  • Greater Healing Wave - The big one. Loads of mana, slow cast, large heal. Do not spam.
  • Healing Surge - Not quite as much mana as GHW, not quite as big a heal as GHW, but very fast cast. Use only in dire need. Do not spam.
  • Riptide - This should be on cd almost always. Using Riptide procs Tidal Waves, which reduces the cast time of Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave by 30% and increases the crit chance of Healing Surge by 30%.
  • Earth Shield - Usually best to keep on tanks, with 9 charges of healing when they take dmg.
  • Healing Rain - AoE hot placement heal, costs a ton of mana. Try to use it when a large amount of aoe dmg is incoming, and place it usually on melee making sure they don't have to move.
  • Unleash Elements - Use this in conjunction with Earthliving Weapon. Unleash has a 15 sec cd and will heal instantly for a decent amount but also increase the next heal by 30%. If I need a huge heal, I'll usually do Riptide -> Unleash -> Greater Healing Wave. This will usually result in ~22k heal, ~32k crit.
  • Chain Heal - The beloved spam heal is no longer efficient to spam. Initial heal is about the same as Healing Wave but costs over twice as much mana. Mostly situational.

Prime Glyphs
  • Earth Shield - Increases the amount healed by Earth Shield by 20%
  • Riptide - Increases the duration by 40%
  • Earthliving Weapon - Increases the effectiveness of its periodic healing by 20%
  • Water Shield - Increases the passive mana regen of water shield by 50%
Major Glyphs
  • Chain Heal - Increases the amount healed to targets beyond the first by 15%, but reduces the initial heal by 10%
  • Healing Wave - Healing Wave heals you for 20% of the healing effect when you heal someone else
  • Healing Stream Totem - Increases fire, frost and nature resistance by 195
  • Totemic Recall - Returns an additional 50% of the mana cost of any recalled totems
Minor Glyphs
  • Mostly cosmetic, totally up to you. Personally, I use Renewed Life, Arctic Wolf, and Water Walking. Frees up bag space and I totally get to be a white wolf :D


So most of you may be used to how you geared in wrath. So was I. I was a stack haste and match all sockets kind of shaman. Doing research and some math, this is what I have found that you need for stacking haste to be viable now for cata:

Haste Rating Needed for GCD softcap: 5491

Haste Rating Values Needed for Extra Hot Ticks:
Riptide(no glyph)
1 extra tick: 610
2 extra tick: 3051
3 extra tick: 5418

Riptide (glyphed)
1 extra tick: 262
2 extra tick: 2005
3 extra tick: 3748
4 extra tick: 5418

Healing Rain
1 extra tick: 610
2 extra tick: 3051
3 extra tick: 5418

Earth Living Weapon
1 extra tick: 916
2 extra tick: 3966
3 extra tick: 7016 

Looking at all of those numbers, you need at most 916 haste to get 1 extra tick on riptide, healing rain, and earthliving. At the time of this post, I currently have 1572. I could continue to stack and try to reach the 2005 needed for the 2 extra ticks of riptide, or i could take ~650 haste and revert it back to crit (to help with mana regen through water shield) and some mastery by reforging.

I still will match sockets, using int/haste for yellow, that way I can reach the 916 haste goal and socket bonuses while being able to keep the crit on gear instead of reforging. I don't want to regem my haste gems to crit, as I cannot pick how much I want to reforge. I will update again as to how this works out.

Finally got to test this out. After last nights raid, i'm sticking with this. My healing went up, my mana regen was awesome, overall big upgrade. I will still eventually try out telluric currents, maybe as an offspec for fights like magmaw where I can afford to stand around and pew pew at times.